At New Beginnings Christian Community Church, we embody God’s Community of Hope and Healing for all in Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit!

Indoor service *Proof of vaccination & masks are required for everyone's safety

At New Beginnings Christian Community Church, we embody God’s Community of Hope and Healing for all in Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit!
Nehemiah Action
Nearly 1000 people showed up for justice at our Nehemiah Action at Charlottesville High School this
past march. Supervisors Pruitt, Mallek and Galloway all pledged to establish an Affordable Housing Trust Fund run by an independent committee, prioritizing low income families with $10 million dollars annual budget. God was very much present at this gathering for “Housing for All.”
We draw on the teaching in Matthew 25:40, which tells us that Jesus says, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
We recognize that at one time or another, all of us have been or will be “the least of these,” and we love each other as Jesus taught us.
​Pastor Brenda's Office Hours:
Tuesdays 12:30 pm-3 pm.
By Church Phone: 434-284-7130
Zoom: https://ministrelife.zoom.us/j/2560397331pwd=S3VtOEM4Z0hrSjNNUTBTSDNRRzNNZz09
First Thriving Congregation Church-wide Meeting
Sunday, July 28 | 11:45 AM-2:00 pm
Dear New Beginnings Family:
After both Pastor Liz's and Rev. Greg’s retirements, I imagine many of you are wondering, "What is the future of New Beginnings Christian Community?"
As we enter into a new chapter in our church's life and ministry, it is important that we spend time to prayerfully discern together God's call for us in the coming years.
To that end, we have enlisted Rev. Dr. Michael Cheuk in the coming months to help in our spiritual discernment journey. Rev. Cheuk is a member of the Charlottesville Clergy Collective and a friend of New Beginnings. He has already met with our "Leadership Team" (consisting of Karen Waters-Wicks, Loretta White, Cyndi Richardson, Donna Tietjen, Brooks Wellmon and me) to begin planning three church-wide meetings, where we will:
Remember our past,
Identify our current assets, and
Evaluate how our existing ministries and programs are meeting the needs of our community.
The desired outcome of these three meetings is greater clarity of our mission, our values, and our ministry focus for the next three to five years.
IT IS IMPORTANT THAT AS MANY OF US WHO CAN, PARTICIPATE IN THESE CHURCH-WIDE MEETINGS. We need your voice, your perspective, and your wisdom to help discern the future of our church and our beloved community!
You will hear of these meetings from the pulpit, via email, text messages, Facebook and our website.
On Sunday, 28 July 2024, we will hold the first of these church-wide meetings after the worship service. It will last two hours and 15 minutes, and we will eat a meal while we remember powerful moments in our past, and identify enduring values from those moments that we want to carry into the future.
Please let us know that you plan to attend—it helps us know how much food is needed and how many small groups we will be working with. Sign-up sheets will be included in the bulletin and on the table in the vestibule.
Let us come together to celebrate the 22 year history of New Beginnings Christian Community; and to pray and plan together for our future as a house of GOD.